OT4D Project (Organic Business for Development in Eastern Europe)

on November 8, 2022, 9:30 – 11:30 online training on Bio Suisse standards, information on import regulations and Bio Suisse requirements, the main changes with the EU Regulation of organic farming, etc. On this training you can find information on the reasons why not all Bio Suisse certified products can be exported to Switzerland, due to Bio Suisse's import regulations.

on November 8, 2022, 9:30 – 11:30 online training on Bio Suisse standards, information on import regulations and Bio Suisse requirements, the main changes with the EU Regulation of organic farming, etc. On this training you can find information on the reasons why not all Bio Suisse certified products can be exported to Switzerland, due to Bio Suisse's import regulations.

Attached you can find the training agenda and the link where you can register for participation. You can find the link at the beginning of the second page of the attached document in the "How to register" section. The deadline for registration is November 6, until midnight.

The link to connect to the MS Teams online platform will be sent 1 day before the activity to all registered persons.

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